KIA. Take a stand instead. MIA: missing in action Means that after a conflict, some member of the party was not found. This means their employer is free to punish them without notice and without providing them any opportunity for rebuttal or defense. Employees may be charged with AWOL in many circumstances. According to Collins English Dictionary, the term AWOL stands for away without leave.If someone in the armed forces is to go AWOL, they leave their post without the permission of a superior officer.This can also be used in a more general sense to mean to disappear without telling anyone where you are going. These are called synonyms. The definition of awol is defined as a military abbreviation for "absent without leave" meaning someone is not where they are supposed to be. What does AWOL mean as an abbreviation? Always is the answer to some question or comment. Missing in Action (MIA) Status: Missing is a casualty status, described by United States Code, that provides for missing members of the Military Service.